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moleCularly mOtoRized syNthetic channEls for booSTed iOn aNd watEr tranport (2022-2026)


Photocatalysts based on Earth-abundant metals: towards a sustainable production of solar hydrogen SunHy” (2022-2025)


Production of green aromatics by catalytic deoxygenation of lignin pyrolysis vapours (2021-2025)


OMIC-Fe(II) : Outils Moléculaires pour Imager des Complexes de Fe(II) et leur métabolisation / Molecular Tools to Image Fe(II) Complexes and their Metabolization) (2021-2025)

PhD Viva

Friday, November 22, 2019, 14h, lecture theatre 7 - FST Nancy, Youssef Berro, "Design of optimized catalysts for biomass upgrading using a theoretical/experimental approach".

Monday, December 2, 2019, 13h30, lecture theatre 8 - FST Nancy, Maxime Girardon, "Systèmes colloïdaux lipidiques pour l'administration par voie orale".

Friday, December 6, 2019, 14h, Salle des Actes - 1st floor administration building - FST Nancy, Timothé Vucko, "C-glycosides fluorés pour le marquage de peptides. Applications en imageries TEP et bimodale TEP/FPIR".

Thursday, December 12, 2019, 10h, Salle des Actes - 1st floor administration building - FST Nancy, Claudia Cervantes-Martinez, "Porous and hybrid silica from biocompatible systems: application to drug release".

Tuesday, December 17, 2019, 9h30, Salle des Actes - 1st floor administration building - FST Nancy, Mohamed Darari, "Synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux complexes Fe-NHC applicables en cellule solaire DSSC".

Wednesday, December 18, 2019, 13h30, Salle des Thèses - Faculté de Pharmacie - Campus Brabois Santé, Jimmy Gouyau, "Nanoparticules d’or et d’argent - de la synthèse à l’évaluation de l’activité antibactérienne".

Thursday, December 19, 2019, 10h, lecture theatre of ISEA - ISEA Metz, Kevin Magra, "Synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux complexes photo-actifs à base de fer".


Asymmetric remote functionalisation through metallotropy


Save the date  !

The XXVI EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry will take place in Basel, Swizerland from September 6 to 10, 2020.

The 2020 edition will cover advances in drug discovery in major therapeutic areas, including the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, diseases related to the CNS, heart disease, fibrotic diseases and cancer.

Several sessions will be dedicated to advances in synthetic methodology for drug discovery.

For more informations : https://www.efmc-ismc.org/
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