Local Collaborations




IJL – Institut Jean Lamour – UMR CNRS 7198

A. Celzard et V. Fierro (Biosourced materials)

L. Aranda (surface study of functional polymers)

C. Bellouard (nanomagnetism)

M. Ponçot (mechanical properties of polymers + polymers cross-linked by calixarenic agents)

B. Malaman (radiocrystallographic studies)



LPCT – Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Théoriques – UMR CNRS 7019

M. Ruiz-López et F. Ingrosso (Heteroaryne coupling and ICE concept + supercritical CO2)

X. Assfeld, A. Monari, M.C. Pastore (Excited state calculations)

G. Monard (docking)

F. Dehez et C. Chipot (membranes)

F. Dehez et A. Lambert (molecular dynamics)

S. Lebègue et M. Badawi (DFT, adsorption and catalysis)


LRGP – Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés – UMR CNRS 7274

A. Dufour (Bioraffinerie)

D. Barth (Chemical synthesis in supercritical CO2)

L. Canabady-Rochelle (Mass Spectrometry Screening of Antioxidant Peptides)

E. Rondags et X. Framboisier (PEPS Mirabelle CHAPRASAC: Support for a change in practice related to the use of a fungal and mycotoxicological risk assessment methodology and an innovative decontamination process currently under development)


LCPME – Laboratoire de Chimie Physique et Microbiologie pour l’Environnement – UMR CNRS 7564

M. Dossot et M. Etienne (Raman spectroelectrochemistry)

C. Gantzer et I. Bertrand (Monitoring of the environmental dispersion of SARS-CoV-2 and control of its circulation via sewage systems – SIWA 2020 Project)



(plateforme d’imagerie moléculaire, CHU Nancy)

PY. Marie, G. Karcher, C. Collet et F. Maskali (radiolabelling, TEP imaging)

CRAN – Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy – UMR CNRS 7039

C. Bourra et V. Jouan-Huraux (cellular biology, in vivo molecular imaging – ANR M3ODALITy)

S. Flament, S. Mazerbourg et S. Grandemange (anti-cancer activity evaluation)

B. Faivre et S. Grandemange (biological activity of iron complex)

E. Levrat et D. Gouyon (PEPS Mirabelle CHAPRASAC: Support for a change in practice related to the use of a fungal and mycotoxicological risk assessment methodology and an innovative decontamination process currently under development)


CRM2 – Cristallographie, Résonance Magnétique et Modélisation – UMR CNRS 7036

C. Didierjean (RX structures)

C. Gardiennet et A. Gansmüller (solid NMR)

S. Bonnet et S. Poinsignon (NMR-based metabolomics)

S. Bonnet (NMR studies of metals complexes)

G. Kevern (solid state NMR CP/MAS 13C analysis / supercritical CO2)


INSERM – Unité 1116

V. Regnault et P. Lacolley (biological evaluation)

LCPM – Laboratoire de Chimie Physique Macromoléculaire – UMR CNRS 7375

M.C. Averlant-Petit et L. Stefan (Iron(III)-chelating model peptides as bioinspired antioxidants)

CITHEFOR Cibles thérapeutiques, formulation et expertise préclinique du médicament – EA 3452

A. Le Faou (human and animal viruses)

I. Clarot et A. Boudier (nanomaterials/metallic nanoparticles)

F. Dupuis et I. Lartaud (evaluation of angiotensin receptor antagonists)

S. Gibaud (glutathione derivatives)

DynAMIc – Dynamique des Génomes et Adaptation Microbienne – UMR INRA 1128

P. Leblond et B. Aigle (naturally occurring molecules/extracts)

LE3M – Laboratoire d’Etude des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux- UMR CNRS 7239

M. Engels-Deutsch (copper materials)

LCP-A2MC – Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique – Approche Multi-échelle des Milieux Complexes – EA 4632

P. Chaimbault (mass spectroscopy)

P. Magri et J.-J. Gaumet (Graphene Quantum Dots)

UR AFPA – Unité de Recherche Animal et Fonctionnalités des Produits Animaux

C. Cakir-Kiefer – équipe PB2P (biological evaluation + Complexation of transition metal ions by camel milk casein tryptic hydrolysate)

Société PAT – Plant Advanced Technologies
(Consortium BioProlor 2)

F. Bourgaud (Directeur)

J.F. Ginglinger (biological evaluation of plant extracts)

Société BIOLIE – Plant Advanced Technologies
(Consortium BioProlor 2)

N. Attenot (Directeur)

J.F. Ginglinger (biological evaluation of plant extracts)

LAE – Laboratoire Agronomie Environnement – UMR INRA 1121

A. Hehn (biological evaluation, molecular characterization)

R. Larbat (naturally occurring secondary metabolites)

S. Slezack (Fungal metabolism)

Laboratoire Lorrain de Psychologie et Neurosciences de la Dynamique des Comportements (2LPN, EA 7489)

V. Saint-Dizier-De Almeida (PEPS Mirabelle CHAPRASAC: Support for a change in practice related to the use of a fungal and mycotoxicological risk assessment methodology and an innovative decontamination process currently under development)

InterPsy EA 4432 – UL

A.Specogna (PEPS Mirabelle CHAPRASAC: Support for a change in practice related to the use of a fungal and mycotoxicological risk assessment methodology and an innovative decontamination process currently under development)

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